Restoring Freedom

Restoring Freedom

Since the introduction of DNA testing in the 1980s, we have pioneered the use of this groundbreaking technology to scientifically prove innocence. In cases where DNA evidence is absent, we help secure the freedom of wrongfully convicted people by presenting new — and equally convincing — evidence of innocence (which can include eyewitness misidentification, jailhouse informant testimony, false confessions, official misconduct, misapplied forensic science, and more). 

To date, we have helped free or exonerate more than 200 individuals, most of whom are from communities of color that tend to be more heavily policed, face persistent discrimination, experience poverty at higher rates, and are confronted with many more challenges in the criminal legal system. Altogether, these people have spent more than 3,600 years behind bars. 

In addition, we help wrongfully convicted people rebuild their lives post-release with the support of our social work department. With assistance from our Exoneree Fund, we provide trauma-informed re-entry support, working closely with those freed and exonerated to ensure that they have safe and comfortable housing, access to health care, meaningful employment opportunities, and more. We also work actively to ensure compensation for wrongfully convicted people through the passage of laws.

Innocence and the Death Penalty

The death penalty is a racially and socio-economically biased, fiscally irresponsible institution that neither increases public safety nor restores harms done, and it must end. Nearly 200 people have been exonerated from death row, reflecting the very serious risk of executing innocent people.

Support innocent people in their fight against wrongful conviction.

Take Action

We've helped free more than 250 innocent people from prison. Support our work to strengthen and advance the innocence movement.