Watch: Huwe Burton Shares His Story

Watch 11.15.23 By Innocence Staff

Huwe Burton in New York City in October 2023 (Image: Nick Castle for the Innocence Project)

Click the blue button above to watch the video. Huwe Burton in New York City in October 2023 (Image: Nick Castle for the Innocence Project)

Huwe Burton spent 19 years in prison for a crime he did not commit. In 1991, he was convicted of murdering his mother, but a reinvestigation by the Innocence Project and the Bronx District Attorney’s Conviction Integrity Unit not only revealed new evidence connecting someone else to the murder, but also exposed the false of the confession made by Mr. Burton when he was just a 16-year-old boy. 

Since his exoneration, Mr. Burton has worked tirelessly to transform the system that failed him and so many others, helping to convince Oregon lawmakers to pass legislation that would prohibit law enforcement officers from using deception while interrogating people under the age of 18.

Today, he reflects on his journey and that of the Innocence Project in 2023.

We’ve had an incredible year. From July 2022, the Innocence Project has exonerated 10 people, and, since 1992, has restored justice for more than 240 people and their families. And we’ve worked alongside Innocence Network partners to pass 15 laws in 10 states, including banning police from using deception tactics during the interrogation of minors, which is a major step toward preventing children from making a coerced false confession. Thank you for your continued support — these victories would not be possible without you. 

Watch the highlights video below narrated by Huwe Burton, who was just a teenager when he was wrongly convicted of murdering his own mother and has become a leading voice in the innocence movement. 

Tyrone Day is exonerated on May 24, 2023 in Dallas, TX. (Image: Alicia Maule for the Innocence Project)

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