Texas Judge Recommends Court of Inquiry on Prosecutorial Misconduct in Morton Case


Texas Judge Recommends Court of Inquiry on Prosecutorial Misconduct in Morton Case

Left: Senior Staff Attorney Nina Morrison and Attorney John Raley who represent Michael Morton


Today Judge Sid Harle recommended a Texas court of inquiry to investigate possible prosecutorial misconduct by former Williamson County prosecutor Ken Anderson. The Innocence Project, who represented Morton, discovered that evidence of Morton’s innocence was suppressed from the defense at his original trial in 1987 and called for the court of inquiry to review the evidence.


Morton was wrongfully convicted of murdering his wife and spent nearly 25 years in prison before his release in October. Among the suppressed evidence was a police transcript of the victim’s mother saying that the Morton’s three-year-old son, who witnessed the murder, told her that his father was not at home at the time. The case now goes to the chief judge of the Texas Supreme Court.


Read the

Texas Tribune article

about the decision.



more about the Morton case




Contact your state legislators and ask them to make prosecutor accountability laws stronger in your state!



Media coverage from over the weekend…


The New York Times


Texas: Former Prosecutor Faces Scrutiny



Los Angeles Times


Texas judge orders inquiry into wrongful-conviction case



Austin American-Statesman


Judge Asks for Court of Inquiry Into Morton Prosecutor


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