Friday Roundup: Exonerated in Arizona, Fighting for Justice in Michigan


Happy Holidays from all of us at the Innocence Project! Here’s the news from this week:

John Watkins, a 27-year-old man who spent more than seven years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit,

was freed Thursday

after DNA testing obtained by the Arizona Justice Project proved his innocence. He is the 265th person exonerated through DNA testing nationwide.

A Texas appeals court ruled

that the judge handling a court of inquiry hearing in the Willingham case should have recused himself or referred the case to another judge.

Michigan’s highest court

declined to hear an appeal

from Lorinda Swain, who was convicted eight years ago of a crime evidence shows she didn’t commit. Attorneys at the Michigan Innocence Project said they would continue fighting to overturn her conviction.

Life After Innocence Director Laura Caldwell talked about

the struggles exonerees face

after they’re freed on Coast to Coast Radio.

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