Exonerees call on President Obama to address wrongful conviction at State of the Union


Exonerees and Innocence Project community members call on President Obama to address wrongful conviction at his final State of the Union address.

 Take a look at highlights:

Exonerees speak out: 

“Dear Mr. President, please address society’s need to hold corrupt prosecutors accountable to help prevent the actually innocent in prison and their families from suffering irreparable harm. Proven prosecutorial misconduct stole over 18 yrs of my life, allowing the real perpetrator known to authorities upon my arrest to remain free.  Such public safety and human right violations endanger society because corrupt prosecutors in cases like mine are protected against being sued, thereby enjoying no deterrent effect from what laws, applicable to all, mean to protect against absolute power.”

Fernando Bermudez, Exoneree
Learn more about his case,


“Was 17 ½ years of my life more costly than recording my interrogation? Electronic recording of all interviews & interrogations protects all involved.”

Martin Tankleff, Exoneree 
Learn more about his case,


Online community members speak out: 

“I hope that he addresses federal compensation for all those who have been exonerated since the states can’t seem to formulate or fund a plan that works.”
“That prosecutors must admit they make mistakes and strive to make wrongs right.”

-S.J., Innocence Project twitter community member

“When will there be immediate releases for the tens of thousands of actually innocent people who are in-custody?”

-Harold K., Innocence Project Facebook community member 

“As our President he needs to be an example and fix the problem now. Hold police, prosecutors and judges accountable. No tolerance for people who commit these crimes against the innocent.”

-Michelle H., Innocence Project Facebook community member 
 “I wish the president would support that every wrongful conviction resulted in an automatic investigation of the judge, attorneys, witnesses, law enforcement and others who may have knowingly helped convicted an innocent person.”
“Prosecutorial misconduct and changing that they have amnesty!”

*Responses were edited for clarity

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