Charges dropped in KY confession case after DNA proves innocence


Matthew Fields, an 18-year-old Louisville man, was charged with a sexual assault two years ago after he allegedly confessed to police. Charges were dropped Wednesday after DNA from the scene matched a convicted felon, according to press reports.

“I think he was frightened, he was scared,” (Defense Attorney Rob) Eggert said. “And he was under the impression that if he said he did it, he could go home.”

This case is an example of the thousands of wrongful convictions that can be prevented by timely DNA testing. In his confession, Fields said that he had not ejaculated. The evidence was not sent to the lab until defense attorneys requested testing. If this evidence had been destroyed, mishandled, lost or never tested, Fields may have been convicted.

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. (Courier-Journal, 01/11/07, Payment required for full article)

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