Michael Morton Documentary Premieres at SXSW Festival


Michael Morton Documentary Premieres at SXSW Festival

On Monday, March 11th, An Unreal Dream, a documentary about the wrongful conviction of Michael Morton will have its premiere at the South by Southwest Festival in Austin, Texas, at 7 p.m. at the

Topfer Theatre at Zach Scott



Morton served 25 years in prison for the murder of his wife, Christine, before he was finally exonerated by DNA evidence in 2011. His Innocence Project lawyers discovered that the prosecution failed to turn over numerous pieces of evidence pointing to his innocence, including statements from Morton’s three-year-old son who witnessed the murder and said that his father wasn’t the attacker. After a week-long hearing earlier this year, a Texas court is deciding whether criminal charges should be filed against the prosecutor Ken Anderson for withholding the evidence.


The documentary details Morton’s nightmare of trying to grieve his wife’s death while also being accused of and ultimately wrongly convicted for her murder. The film also examines his six-year legal battle to get access to the DNA evidence that ultimately proved his innocence and pointed to the real perpetrator (who will soon face trial for the murder).


Additional screenings will be held on March 13 at 6:30 p.m. at

Alamo Village

and on March 16 at 4:00 p.m. at the Topfer Theatre. Tickets are available at the box offices.


Learn more about Morton’s case



Watch a trailer for the film



Read more about the film



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