You Can Free the Innocent
This week at the Innocence Project, we kicked off a campaign to raise $25,000 in the next two weeks for DNA testing in our clients’ cases. We currently have more than 250 active cases, and we’re committed to paying for DNA testing whenever it has the potential to prove innocence in a client’s case. We can’t do it without your help, however.
Please donate today
– 100% of gifts between now and September 23 will go toward DNA testing for our clients.
We spend about $8,500 on DNA testing in an average case, but some cases can cost much more than that. Multiple pieces of crime scene evidence often need to be tested, and sometimes retested using cutting-edge technologies.
Steven Barnes
was exonerated earlier this year after spending nearly two decades behind bars for a murder he didn’t commit. Complicated DNA testing in his case finally proved his innocence, but it cost over $20,000 to complete. We couldn’t have freed Steven without the support of generous Innocence Project donors, and we truly appreciate the help we receive from around the world.
Please donate today to help overturn wrongful convictions through DNA testing
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