Video: Bearing Witness to Dion Harrell’s Day in Court

08.10.16 By Carlita Salazar

A week ago today, the Innocence Project office was unusually quiet as dozens of staffers and law clinic students turned off their computers and boarded a bus. They were bound for New Jersey; their destination was the Monmouth County Courthouse. They were going so to bear witness to justice being restored.

After a decades-long fight to uncover the truth in his wrongful conviction rape case, Innocence Project client Dion Harrell was going to have his day in court; finally, he was going to be exonerated.

Watch this moving video which captures key moments from the day.

Video shot and edited by Sameer Abdel-Khalek.


Related: Follow #DionHarrell on his Exoneration Day after 28 Years of Injustice

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Elizabeth O'Connor October 20, 2016 at 1:37 pm Reply   

So very happy you are free, at last!

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