The Forensic Science and Standards Act of 2012


On Thursday, July 12th, a historic piece of legislation was introduced to address the scientific needs identified by the 2009 National Academy of Sciences report, Strengthening Forensic Science: A Path Forward. The Forensic Science and Standards Act of 2012 was introduced as S. 3378 in the Senate Commerce Committee by Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) and as HR 6106 by Congresspersons Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX), Donna Edwards (D-MD), and Daniel Lipinski (D-IL).


The Senate Commerce Committee is currently accepting feedback on the bill. You can find 

the text of the bill here

and a list of the Members of the Senate Commerce Committee below.


John D. Rockefeller IV West Virginia
John F. Kerry Massachusetts
Mark Begich Alaska
Amy Klobuchar Minnesota
Claire McCaskill Missouri
Frank R. Lautenberg New Jersey
Maria Cantwell Washington
Bill Nelson Florida
Mark Pryor Arkansas
Barbara Boxer California
Daniel K. Inouye Hawaii
Tom Udall New Mexico
Mark Warner Virginia
Jim DeMint South Carolina
Olympia J. Snowe Maine
John Thune South Dakota
Kay Bailey Hutchison Texas
Roger Wicker Michigan
Roy Blunt Missouri
Patrick Toomey Pennsylvania
Kelly Ayotte New Hampshire
Johnny Isakson Georgia
Frank R. Boozman Alaska
Marco Rubio Florida
Dean Heller Nevada

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