Stefon Morant
Exoneree Advisory Council
Stefon Morant
Exoneree Advisory Council
Stefon Morant was wrongfully convicted and sentenced to 70 years for a double homicide that he did not commit in New Haven, Connecticut. He was released from prison in 2015, after serving more than 21 years, and was fully exonerated in 2021. Ever since his release, Mr. Morant has been active with the Innocence Project and the Connecticut Innocence Project, serving as a mentor to numerous exonerees. Since his release, Mr. Morant married his childhood sweetheart and now works for the City of New Haven. Although it is the city that harmed him, Mr. Morant has chosen to help. Mr. Morant has also worked in a halfway house counseling returning inmates and as a recovery coach assisting mental patients transition from inpatient care to everyday life.