Last Chance to Help Stop Wrongful Convictions in Nevada

05.24.17 By Innocence staff

Last Chance to Help Stop Wrongful Convictions in Nevada

Did you know that if you are arrested and questioned by law enforcement in Nevada, officers can choose whether or not to record the interrogation?

Last week Propublica wrote about the case of Fred Steese who was wrongfully convicted of a 1992 murder in Las Vegas after falsely confessing during an unrecorded police interrogation. He spent 20 years in prison for a crime he did not commit and the real perpetrator is still unknown.

The Nevada State Senate is now considering Assembly Bill 414, which would protect against false confessions by requiring police to record interrogations for the most serious crimes. Law enforcement is fighting against this commonsense transparency measure because they “don’t want the legislature telling agencies how to do their business,” even if that puts innocent Nevadans at risk. On the Assembly side Republicans voted against the bill.

Now the state Senate is considering the legislation, and we need your help. Please contact your Senator and ask him or her to support Assembly Bill 414 to prevent wrongful convictions in Nevada.

Contact Your State Senator

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Jodi Davidson January 24, 2019 at 1:07 am Reply   

I was railroaded in taking a guilty plea… Where is the true justice in the Nevada state justice system

Theresa Hatter July 31, 2018 at 7:58 am Reply   

I just found out about a clearly innocent man who was prosecuted for the rape & murder of his 12 yr of daughter. This man died in prison & never was vindicated. Our justice system is clearly BROKEN. When a win in prosecution is more important than the TRUTH. Shame on all the police, DA. & judges who allow this crap to happen. I won’t sleep tonight thinking about this poor man. Tomorrow I will volunteer for the innocence project because SOMETHING HAS TO CHANGE

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