Science Thursday
The Department of Homeland Security launches technology to measure “malintent,” a North Carolina research organization wins a $6M grant from the National Institute of Justice, and blow flies are a key to death investigations. Here’s a roundup of this week’s forensics news:
The Department of Homeland Security has been testing its
Future Attribute Screen Technology (FAST)
at northeastern airports. The system, which includes thermal cameras, microphones and a laser radar that can measure heart rate and perspiration, is designed to measure the possible intent to commit a crime. A DHS spokesperson claims FAST was 78 percent successful on detection of “malintent” and 80 percent successful at detecting deception.
Veterinary forensics
is a growing field
Forensic paint sampling
led New Zealand authorities to identify a boat that was illegally dumping fish.
The Research Triangle Institute in North Carolina was awarded a $6M grant from the National Institute of Justice
to form a new Forensic Science Technology Center of Excellence
An Arizona medical examiner’s office
may begin to charge a fee for bodies left in storage for too long.
Blow fly life cycles
can determine approximately when the insects find a corpse based on their stage of development.
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