Nov. 5: Women and Innocence Conference


Female exonerees, legal experts and advocates will come together Nov. 5-7 in Troy, Michigan for a groundbreaking new conference entitled Women and Innocence.

The majority of people exonerated through DNA and other evidence in the United States have been men, but female exonerees share a unique experience and there are countless women behind bars across the country today for crimes they didn’t commit. The number of women in prison in the U.S. has been growing at twice the rate of men, and there are undoubtedly many woman who have been wrongfully convicted.   The conference will cover issues including legal advocacy, support networks for women in prison and after exoneration, media and more. Scheduled speakers include exonerees Joyce Ann Brown, Julie Rea Harper, Gloria Goodwin-Killian and Ken Wyniemko, along with relatives of exonerees and prisoners, authors, attorneys, advocates and others. 

Learn more about the conference and sign up to attend here


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