Will you help us fight injustice in 2018?

12.30.17 By Innocence Staff

Mark Denny, walking in Brooklyn with his family, moments after he was exonerated on Dec. 20. Photo by Sameer Abdel-Khalek.

Mark Denny, walking in Brooklyn with his family, moments after he was exonerated on Dec. 20. Photo by Sameer Abdel-Khalek.

Our 25th year is coming to a close, and we’re looking back on the accomplishments of 2017, while also prepping for a big year ahead.

Just last week, we celebrated with our client Mark Denny, who walked out of a Brooklyn courtroom a free man for the first time in nearly 30 years.

Earlier this year, our client William Barnhouse became the 350th person exonerated by DNA testing in the U.S., when he was freed in Indiana after serving 25 years for a crime he didn’t commit.

Give before midnight tomorrow, December 31st, and your tax-deductible donation will be matched dollar-for-dollar.

But there are too many more innocent people still waiting for our help, and our system is still stacked against defendants — especially poor people and people of color.

Can you help us continue the fight against injustice in 2018? A generous group of donors is doubling every donation until midnight tomorrow — and your gift is 100% tax-deductible.

Our attorneys will be fighting for wrongfully convicted clients in courtrooms across the country, and our policy team is preparing to push for reforms in 25 state legislatures in 2018.

We’ll be working to compensate the exonerated in Kansas — one of 18 states that don’t give a penny to people who have been cleared after wrongful convictions. We’ll be fighting to improve access to DNA testing in Pennsylvania. And we’ll be pursuing reforms nationwide that prevent eyewitness misidentifications and regulate the testimony of jailhouse informants. Our goal is to create a system that prevents wrongful arrests and convictions so no one has to spend a day behind bars for a crime they didn’t commit.

And it means so much to know that our community is behind us as we do this work.

For all of you who have already generously given this year, and who have taken actions and helped to spread the word about our work, we are deeply grateful.

And if you haven’t made your end-of-year gift yet, there’s still time. Give before midnight tomorrow, December 31st, and your tax-deductible donation will be matched dollar-for-dollar.

Thank you for being part of this community, and happy new year!

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Jessica Ruiz November 27, 2018 at 6:18 pm Reply   

How can we help besides monetary donations?

sylvia jackson June 1, 2018 at 1:46 pm Reply   

i don’t have a legal back ground but have always wanted help.
and joint the team .i am 68 yrs old do can run a printer,answer phone’s.do mailing,or what ever an old lady can do.
i do have a purpose .plus being very serious about juctice being done mainly in Bell County of which my son is in thier jail.wrongfully convicted.(per the hear say law)there are serveral man in jail because of this.even with evidence proving them wrong. i want to help and keep this from happening to any more people.

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