Texas Arson Case to be Reviewed Today


Today, a Texas judge will consider whether to grant a new trial for a man serving a life sentence for arson murder, or declare him innocent reported

The Los Angeles Times

. The case is one of a handful being reviewed by the Innocence Project of Texas and a panel led by Texas Fire Marshal Chris Connealy, which are suspected of involving outdated and discredited arson science.


Ed Graf was convicted in 1988 of locking his two stepsons in a backyard storage shed and setting it on fire. He has already exhausted his appeals and has requested that the judge call for a new trial or issue a finding of actual innocence. Once the judge reviews the case and new findings, he will make a recommendation to the state’s court of criminal appeals, which will make the final decision.

“We’re just trying to make sure justice is served,” Connealy said. “What’s happening here isn’t just in Texas, it’s all across the United States. We need to make sure what we’re doing is indeed supported by up-to-date science.”

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