McGowan set free in Dallas, lineups under scutiny


Thomas McGowan was released from custody today in Dallas after serving nearly 23 years in prison for a rape he didn’t commit. The judge and district attorney apologized to McGowan for the injustice he suffered, and he joined with his supportive family in celebrating after he release.


the Innocence Project press release

on McGowan’s case and proposed eyewitness identification reforms in Texas.

Media coverage of McGowan’s release:

Associated Press:

DNA frees man who spent almost 23 years in prison

Eyewitness Identification Reform Blog:

Another Flawed Lineup, Another Exoneration in Dallas County, and a Glimmer of Hope

Dallas Morning News:

DNA evidence clears another Dallas County inmate

(with slideshow of 15 people cleared by DNA testing in Dallas)


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