Kansas Exoneree Releases Album


Kansas exoneree Eddie James Lowery is poised to release his debut album 

Can’t Touch My Soul

tomorrow, November 1. Since his exoneration more than a decade ago, music has been a constant part of Lowery’s life and he’s proud to have written every track on the album. In the years following his release, he’s performed with other exonerees at Innocence Network conferences and benefits, and continues to express his freedom through music.

The song “All in the Name of Justice,” was inspired by the many wrongful convictions where police or prosecutorial misconduct played a role. 

In July 1981, Lowery, then 22, was arrested for the attack and rape of an elderly resident of Ogden, Kansas. He was questioned all day without food and was told he did not need a lawyer after requesting one. Investigators supplied Lowery with details of the crime – the house, the entry, the weapon, and specifics about the rape. The details were incorporated into a confession, which Lowery immediately said was coerced and false. Lowery’s first trial ended in a hung jury, but he was convicted in the second. After his parole in 1991, Lowery financed DNA testing in his case and was ultimately proven innocent. He spent nearly a decade in prison as a result of his wrongful conviction.

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Can’t Touch My Soul


read more about Lowery’s case


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