New York exoneree Roy Brown gets liver transplant


Roy Brown was freed from a New York prison earlier this year after DNA testing proved that he did not commit the murder for which he was convicted in 1992. He had served 15 years in prison and he was suffering from cirrhosis of the liver when released. On Sunday night, he got a new liver.

Though relatively active since his release in January – he was camping at a favorite childhood spot when he got the call about the transplant – the condition is considered life-threatening. He recently had emergency room trips to the hospital, fluid accumulate in his body and he tires easily, (his attorney Katy Karlovitz) said. His liver could have shut down at any time, she said.

The transplant procedure that began Sunday night and concluded early Monday went smoothly.

Brown was sitting up and expected to be moved out of the intensive care unit by Monday evening, his daughter said. Brown will be in the hospital for another two to four weeks, Karlovitz said.

“I'm just glad it's done and over with,” (his daughter) April Brown said.

Read the full story here

. (Auburn Citizen, 5/15/07)

Read more about Roy Brown’s case and his exoneration


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