Dozens of Philadelphia Drug Convictions Reversed Due to Federal Police Corruption Charges

08.11.16 By Innocence Staff

Dozens of Philadelphia Drug Convictions Reversed Due to Federal Police Corruption Charges

Last week a judge reversed 158 drug convictions relating to seven Philadelphia officers accused of corruption, bringing the total amount of conviction reversals relating to the officers to about 560, public defender Bradley S. Bridge told the Philadelphia Inquirer. It’s “the largest such dismissal in one day in city history,” reported the Inquirer.

Six of the officers were acquitted at a federal trial in May, but one officer pled guilty and testified against his former colleagues at trial.

The Defender Association of Philadelphia and the district attorney’s office will continue their investigation of arrests made by the seven officers, who are accused of planting evidence, doctoring paperwork, and beating and robbing suspects.

Common Pleas Court Judge Sheila Woods-Skipper said that she expects another 40 convictions will be reversed at a hearing in October, and that she has only reviewed 40 percent of the cases brought by the seven officers.

Read the Philadelphia Inquirer article here.

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Suzi December 29, 2016 at 10:50 pm Reply   

I agree 100% with Sharon\’s statement. The fact the officers got off except for the 1 that pleaded guilty is criminal in itself. They should be held to a higher standard than the \”criminals\” they are policing. If there is even a hint of corruption, entrapment or abuse- lock them all away to serve the same fate they dished out to others. I couldn\’t disagree further with Douglas\’s statement. Clearly this is marge larger than an issue of a minor technicality. Aside from that those with drug addiction problems should have never been considered criminals. It\’s a mental health issue in which the prison environment is sure to not \”correct\”.

Pamela August 21, 2016 at 8:47 pm Reply   


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