Innocence Project television special premieres at event tonight in Connecticut


Join Innocence Project Co-Director Barry Scheck and two men exonerated by DNA testing at a special free event tonight in Greenwich, Connecticut. The program features the world premiere of a new television special, "Proof of Innocence." The special covers the case of

Clark McMillan

, who served 22 years in Tennessee prisons for a rape he didn't commit. The special is scheduled to air on the Discovery Channel June 12th.

Mr. McMillan will join Mr. Scheck at the event tonight, along with Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal, New Jersey exoneree

David Shephard

, and Innocence Project Staff Attorney Vanessa Potkin, the attorney on Mr. McMillian’s case.

Tonight's event begins at 6:45 p.m. and is free and open to the public. To RSVP, call 212-364-5976

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