Friday roundup: crime labs in the news
Plenty of forensic issues are making news around the country this week.
• The longtime director of the Baltimore crime lab was
fired this week
after officials learned that crime scene evidence had been contaminated with the DNA profiles of lab analysts. Defense attorneys and forensic experts said this news could call thousands of cases that had been tested in the lab into question.
• Prosecutors and Sheriffs in South Georgia said the
proposed closure of two crime labs
would hurt both crime victims and defendants. Meanwhile, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation is
eliminating its staff forensic anthropologist
• Officials planned to
destroy piles of evidence from a Texas courthouse
in September unless defense attorneys or prosecutors claimed the evidence and stored it themselves.
• Arizona lawmakers expressed concern this week that a proposal to
require police departments to pay lab costs
would strain law enforcement budgets and underfund the labs.
• Indianapolis lab analysts are
experimenting with DNA collection from guns
• A California state crime lab was criticized for
losing evidence in a murder case
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