Friday Roundup: Arson in Texas, Videotape in Louisiana and “The Good Wife”


At a special hearing in the Texas Senate on Tuesday, new Forensic Science Commission chairman John Bradley will answer lawmakers’ questions about the panel’s ongoing work.

He told Texas Lawyer

that he plans to “recommend that the commission move forward and complete a report in the Willingham case. I think it’s in the best interest of the public to have the report come out.”

Read more about the Cameron Todd Willingham case here


Two staffers at the Innocence Project New Orleans present the case for recording police interrogations in

an op-ed today in the New Orleans Times-Picayune.

“Videotaping interrogations benefits everybody in a case,” they write.

The Los Angeles Police Department has come under fire in recent months for a backlog of untested evidence in sexual assault cases.

A new audit

released finds that the department has reduced the backlog by 64 percent.

The State Bar of Wisconsin reported on the 10th anniversary of the Wisconsin Innocence Project

and gave an update on Chris Ochoa, exonerated in 2002, who now works as a defense attorney.

Attorneys at the Wisconsin project also filed a motion this week arguing that a Michigan man

has spent 12 years in prison for a murder he didn’t commit


Wrongful convictions continue to pop up in pop culture. An eyewitness identification and a faulty lineup

were featured in an episode of the CBS drama “The Good Wife”

this week.

A northern California PBS station this week premiered the documentary film “

$100 a Day

,” about exoneree compensation in California.

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