Fernando Bermudez Reaches Settlement with New York For Wrongful Conviction


Exoneree Fernando Bermudez will receive $4.75 million from the state of New York in compensation for the 18 years he was wrongly incarcerated for a murder he didn’t commit. According to an article in the 

Los Angeles Times

, this is the largest settlement the state has ever paid for a wrongful conviction.

Bermudez was convicted of second degree murder for a shooting that took place outside of a Manhattan night club in 1991.  A 

federal judge reversed Bermudez’ conviction in 2009

 after several witnesses recanted their testimony, saying they were coerced by police into identifying Bermudez.

In a statement Bermudez said, “”Of course, the settlement will never erase the injustice that I experienced as an innocent man in prison for 18 1/2 years. The mental and physical toll, which began 23 years ago, continues for me.”


Bermudez also has a pending civil rights lawsuit against New York City.  

Bermudez has shared his experience of being wrongly convicted with audiences around the globe. You can watch a video featuring Bermudez and his family talking about the injustice they endured 


If you are interested in inviting Bermudez to speak, please contact our 

exoneree speakers bureau

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Ced Sidewinder February 5, 2019 at 2:08 pm Reply   

I just finished watching an episode of the Investigators with Jerry Palace and his cohort. (Which aired originally on True TV. Although the Justice Network shows reruns of that series. Obviously,.the show was filmed before 2009). First off, I’m really glad Fernando was exonerated and equally as happy that he won a sizable settlement as the result of the EGREGIOUS INCOMPETENCE of the NYPD. In fact, my husband and I and most people j.know, firmly believe that the cops who COERCED (,and THREATENED) those witnesses into indentifying Fernando as the shooter, should have been prosecuted. Isn’t that illegal?
I’m aware that interrogators/”detectives” lie, trick mislead subects/suspects in order to get a confession, but there ARE some limits as to what they can and can’t do. I think they crossed the line. What shoddy police work, horrible seemingly INCOMPETENT investigators who suffered a horrendous case of TUNNEL VISION. The entire investigation was the epitome of New York’s “finest” at the pinnacle of incompetence. (A stellar example to explain
why the police have lost credibility and the trust of the general public. Don’t get me wrong I have all the respect in the world for those police men and women who truly want to serve their communities and protect the law abiding citizens who live in them. Those brave officers who rid the streets of violent predetors, gang bangers and sim threats to public safety have my respect and support. I fee differently he
I realize this tearly 1990’s. And I’m sure the NYPD still.has lots of corruption but back then, it seemed they were more blatent in their acts of lawlessness.
Nonetheless, I’m glad this young man and was finally set free and that he received at least SOME compensation after a murder “investigation” (more akin to a WITCH HUNT) botched beyond compression STOLE 18 years of his life. Meanwhile, he served someone else’s time, and to the best of my knowledge, the killer still walks free.

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