Marcellus Williams

Time left until execution:









DNA evidence proves Marcellus Williams is innocent and the prosecuting attorney seeks to vacate his wrongful conviction, yet Missouri has scheduled his execution for Sept. 24.

Marcellus Williams is scheduled to be executed on Sept. 24 for a crime DNA proves he did not commit. The St. Louis County prosecuting attorney reviewed these DNA results and filed a motion to vacate Mr. Williams’ conviction because he believed the DNA results proved by clear and convincing evidence that Mr. Williams did not commit this crime. Although the circuit court has not yet scheduled a hearing to address this motion — and no court has ever considered the new exculpatory evidence — the Missouri Supreme Court set an execution date for Mr. Williams.

With the weight of this new evidence and the unreliability of the witnesses who testified against Mr. Williams, his conviction must be reevaluated to ensure that justice is truly served. Dedicated professionals from the Innocence Project, Midwest Innocence Project, and Bryan Cave, along with attorneys Larry Komp of the Federal Public Defender, Western District of Missouri, and Kent Gipson, make up the team that continues to fight to stop his Sept. 24 execution. They hope that justice will eventually prevail by way of an exoneration.

Currently on Death Row:


Time Served:

Nearly 24 years

State: Missouri

Conviction: First-degree Murder, Robbery, and Burglary

Sentence: Death

Incident Date: 08/11/1998

Conviction Date: 06/15/2001

Accused Pleaded Guilty: No

Contributing Causes of Conviction: Informants

Death Penalty Case: Yes

Race of Victim: Caucasian

Status: Active

Key Facts to Know About Marcellus Williams

  1. A crime scene covered with forensic evidence contained no link to Mr. Williams.

  2. The prosecution’s case against Mr. Williams was based entirely on the unreliable testimony of two incentivized witnesses.

  3. New DNA testing confirms Mr. Williams is innocent, yet no court has considered that evidence.

  4. In 2024, the St. Louis County prosecuting attorney concluded that Mr. Williams was actually innocent and moved to vacate his conviction.

  5. The Missouri attorney general continues a history of fighting innocence cases.

  6. Incentivized informants are a leading cause of wrongful convictions.

  7. Racial bias contributed to Mr. Williams’ wrongful conviction.

  8. Mr. Williams is devoutly religious and an accomplished poet.

  9. You can help stop Mr. Williams’ unjust execution.