Texas Senate committee approves reform bills


The Texas Senate Committee on Criminal Justice approved bills yesterday that would significantly improve the state’s justice system. The bills, introduced by Senator Rodney Ellis (the chairman of the Innocence Project Board of Directors), would create an innocence commission, improve eyewitness identification procedures and increase compensation for the wrongly convicted.

The committee heard testimony yesterday from four men (

James Giles


Brandon Moon


Chris Ochoa


James Waller

) who served decades in Texas prisons for crimes they didn’t commit. Innocence Project Co-Director Barry Scheck also testified.

Watch video

of yesterday's full press conference, featuring Scheck, Ellis, Giles, Moon, Ochoa and Waller. (Real player required, download it



Watch video

of yesterday's Senate Committee on Criminal Justice hearing.

The bills will now go before the full senate for approval.

Read the full story on the committee’s vote

. (El Paso Times, 4/11/07)

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