Two exonerees reach $8 million settlement with city of Chicago


Chicago officials announced yesterday that the city had reached a settlement deal with two men who had served more than 13 years for a crime they didn’t commit. Larry Ollins and Omar Saunders were wrongly convicted of rape and murder in 1988 in Chicago and sentenced to life. DNA testing proved them innocent in 2001. Under the settlement deal, each man will receive $4 million.

The city has already settled with two other men who were wrongly convicted of the same  crime: Calvin Ollins (Larry’s cousin) and Marcellius Bradford.

(Chicago) Alderman Ed Smith called the case a tragedy and said the money can't make up for the time the men spent in prison.

"Nothing pays like having your life intact without a blemish," he said.

Read the full story here

. (Chicago Tribune, 4/11/07)

Read more about the cases of

Larry Ollins


Calvin Ollins


Omar Saunder

s and

Marcellius Bradford


Only 21 states and the District of Columbia have laws that compensate the wrongly convicted.

Read more about this issue

in our Fix The System section.

More compensation news:

Florida lawmakers consider compensation for 2006 exoneree Alan Crotzer

. (Palm Beach Post, 04/12/07, Payment required for full article)

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