Georgia hearings on eyewitness identification start this week


A new committee of the Georgia legislature began hearing testimony yesterday on proposed state laws governing eyewitness identification procedures. Georgia Innocence Project Director Aimee Maxwell testified, as well as Innocence Project client

Calvin Johnson, Jr.

, who was misidentified by an eyewitness and wrongfully convicted of a crime he didn’t commit.

More than 80 percent of Georgia police departments responding to a recent survey said they had no written standards for eyewitness identifications. One of the first steps to statewide identification reform is to adopt written policies following accepted procedures.

Read more:

Most Georgia police have no eyewitness guidelines

(Associated Press, 09/17/07)

Men freed from jail urge change in eyewitness IDs

(Atlanta Journal Constitution, 09/18/07) 

For the hearing schedule and more background on the new committee,

visit the Georgia Innocence Project’s website


In addition to Calvin Johnson, other Georgia exonerees will be present at today’s hearing.

Read more about their cases here


Watch video of a speech by

Calvin Johnson, Jr.

and an interview with

Georgia exoneree Robert Clark


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