Happy Thanksgiving From the Innocence Project


We have a lot to be thankful for today. Thirteen people have been exonerated by DNA testing around the country this year, and several more have been freed but are waiting for their exonerations to become official. This year saw unprecedented progress in policy reforms to prevent wrongful convictions – see our

November e-mail newsletter

for more. (And if you’re not getting our e-mail newsletter,

sign up here!


But most of all on this Thanksgiving Day, we want to say thanks to you – the members of our online community – for your part in fixing the criminal justice system to prevent wrongful convictions. We wouldn’t be here without you, and we’re deeply grateful for your support.

Today our client

Steven Barnes

is spending his first Thanksgiving with his family in two decades. We’re thankful that they are able to spend this wonderful holiday together.

And we’re thinking about all of the other exonerees spending their first Thanksgiving at home this year. Our clients face the challenge of building a new life in a changed world upon their release, and to do this they need your help.

The Innocence Project Exoneree Fund helps exonerees rebuild their lives after release with emergency and transitional funds for housing, food and clothing. Many exonerees are thankful this season to our supporters for their generous donations to help begin the adjustment to life outside of prison.

When the next innocent person is released from prison after years of wrongful incarceration, he or she will need your help.

Click here to make a Thanksgiving gift to the Exoneree Fund


Thank you for your support this year, and Happy Thanksgiving.

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We've helped free more than 240 innocent people from prison. Support our work to strengthen and advance the innocence movement.