“Conviction” — News & Reviews


“Conviction,” a feature film based on the true story of Betty Anne Waters’s fight to free her brother, Kenny Waters, opens in theaters across the United States in October 2010.

News Coverage of the Film and the True Story That Inspired It

New York Times:

Betty Anne Waters, Real-Life Heroine of “Conviction”


Hilary Swank Shows Some “Conviction”

Associated Press:

Swank’s Newest Role, A Woman Drive By Conviction

Larry King Live, 10/6/10:

The Amazing True Story of “Conviction”


Hilary Swank and Sam Rockwell Discuss “Conviction”


Rotten Tomatoes:

A Compilation of Reviews from Around the World

Michael Phillips, Chicago Tribune:

Swank Perfect in “Conviction”

Claudia Puig, USA Today:

Hilary Swank Displays the Courage of Her “Conviction”

Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times:


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