Friday Roundup: Jailhouse Testimony, False Confession and the Need for DNA Evidence


DNA testing conducted on evidence from a 1964 Virginia murder of a young woman did not link to her husband, who was convicted of the crime and

has always maintained his innocence


A Georgia man spent

a month behind bars for a murder he didn’t commit

because of a misidentification. Police in Albany, Georgia, say the first suspect has been freed and another man arrested.

Recent Illinois exoneree Jerry Hobbs

is suing police

for coercing him to falsely confess to murdering his daughter and her friend.

A California court

overturned two murder convictions

and the life sentence of a man who spent more than 30 years in prison based on false testimony from a jailhouse snitch.

On Wednesday, Maryland exoneree Kirk Bloodsworth

spoke to students

at the University of Illinois College of Law about the importance of DNA testing.

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