Quiz: Compensating the Wrongfully Convicted in America

09.15.17 By Innocence Staff

Quiz: Compensating the Wrongfully Convicted in America

The unique horror of wrongful conviction is unfathomable to all but to those that experience it. But most everyone agrees that society should do all it can to make people who experience this nightmare as whole as possible upon exoneration.

It is a common assumption that the innocent receive monetary compensation and needed services upon release. Shockingly, though, state laws that compensate the wrongfully convicted vary widely and the vast majority are woefully inadequate. Take this quiz to test your knowledge of how different states measure up when it comes to fair compensation for people exonerated of wrongful convictions.

 Kansas is one of several states that doesn’t compensate the wrongly convicted. Show your support for compensating exonerees in Kansas by signing this petition

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stephen sutherland September 16, 2017 at 1:50 am Reply   

Failure to compensate wrongfully convicted individuals is inconceivable when women will receive millions of dollars for a leaked nude video or words misspoken in a sexual harassment lawsuit.
I support financial and insurance compensation to all wrongfully convicted individuals. Doing so is morally correct.
Sincerely Yours
Stephen Sutherland, MD

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