Help Protect Innocent Nevadans from Lying Jailhouse Informants

Call 775-382-6877 to connect to your lawmaker and urge them to pass Assembly Bill 201.

DeMarlo Berry spent nearly 23 years in prison for a 1994 Las Vegas murder he did not commit. DeMarlo was convicted in part due to the testimony of a jailhouse informant who claimed to have heard him confess to the crime. Years later, the informant admitted that he lied about DeMarlo’s confession and said that detectives gave him information about the crime and that he had received benefits in exchange for his testimony that were not disclosed to DeMarlo’s defense. 

The Nevada Legislature should pass Assembly Bill 201 to enact safeguards that will prevent false jailhouse informant testimony from leading to wrongful convictions, so that what happened to DeMarlo doesn’t happen to anyone else. 

Use the form above to tell your state senators to support passing AB 201 to protect against false jailhouse informant testimony in Nevada.


The Innocence Project is supporting AB 201 alongside a bipartisan group of stakeholders, including:

  • ACLU of Nevada
  • ALEC Action
  • Culinary Workers Union Local 226
  • Law Enforcement Action Partnership
  • Nevada Strong Families
  • Nevada Coalition Against the Death Penalty
  • Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada
  • Rocky Mountain Innocence Center

We've helped free more than 240 innocent people from prison. Support our work to strengthen and advance the innocence movement.