Huwe Burton
Speaking topics: Coerced pleas, Race

On Jan. 24, 2019, Huwe Burton was exonerated after spending 19 years in prison for a murder he did not commit.
At 16 years old, Mr. Burton was convicted of the 1989 murder of his mother, who had been found stabbed to death in their New York City home. His conviction was largely based on a false confession that had been coerced by detectives.
A joint reinvestigation between the Innocence Project and the Bronx District Attorney’s Conviction Integrity Unit uncovered that detectives from New York’s 47th precinct had coerced Mr. Burton into falsely confessing. Furthermore, additional new evidence surfaced about an alternate person who committed the crime. Ultimately, Mr. Burton carried his wrongful conviction for nearly 28 years before he was exonerated.
More about this speaker
After being falsely arrested and convicted, I realized my strongest weapon is my voice. I would like to use it to enlighten, inspire, and ultimately change our fractured criminal justice system.