This Week in Innocence News – October 13, 2017

10.13.17 By Innocence Staff

This Week in Innocence News – October 13, 2017
Here are some of this week’s news highlights:

Editorial calls for release of Eric Kelley and Ralph Lee
Last Friday, the Star-Ledger editorial board questioned why Innocence Project client Eric Kelley and Centurion Ministries client Ralph Lee are still behind bars when DNA evidence excludes them from the murder and robbery for which they were convicted in 1996. The Star-Ledger

Lawsuit challenging cash bail in Texas could change nationwide policy
A lawsuit in which the plaintiffs claim that the use of cash bail violates the United States Constitution is currently before the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. If the federal appeals court rules in the plaintiffs’ favor, it could end cash bail as we know it. The Huffington Post

Crown Heights panel moves audience at BAM
Following a screening of Crown Heightsa film based on the wrongful conviction and exoneration of Colin Warner, Carl King, Warner’s long-time advocate, spoke on a panel with exoneree Rodney Roberts and others at the Brooklyn Academy of MusicRead more

DNA evidence excludes Indiana man from 1975 rape
New testing of DNA evidence clears an Indiana man of a 1975 rape for which he was convicted and sentenced to 14 years in prison, according to his attorneys from the Mid-Atlantic Innocence Project, who have filed a petition on his behalf for a writ of actual innocence. The Richmond Times-Dispatch

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