Innocence Blog Mother’s Day Series: Rosie and Lamonte McIntyre

05.08.18 By Innocence Staff

Lamonte and Rosie McIntyre.

Lamonte and Rosie McIntyre.

Lamonte McIntyre’s mother, Rosie McIntyre, raised him and his five siblings to believe in the justice system. That belief was shattered when Lamonte was arrested in 1994 at age 17 based on false and manipulated eyewitness identification. Five months later, Lamonte was wrongly convicted in Kansas of a double murder.

From the moment Lamonte was arrested until he walked free in 2017, Rosie stood by her son’s side. When everything seemed bleak, she helped Lamonte hold onto the belief that someday he would be free.

The first eight years were the most painful for Lamonte and Rosie, as they both adjusted to what they knew would be a long battle. Sometimes, it felt like they were both in prison. When most families were gathered together over delicious holiday meals or celebrating birthdays with cake and ice cream, Rosie and Lamonte were huddled together in the cramped and noisy prison visiting room.

Rosie kept track of anything and everything that could help him, and for many years she battled alone, fueled by her sheer determination to bring her son home.

Even though she had little money, Rosie bought gas every week so she could visit Lamonte. She never missed a court date. On one occasion, she showed up to the Kansas Supreme Court holding a pillow over her stomach; she had just undergone surgery.

Rosie’s love for Lamonte is what kept him going.

After years of Rosie reaching out to attorneys and media for help, Centurion finally answered her call in 2009 and began actively investigating Lamonte’s case. Later, the Midwest Innocence Project joined Lamonte’s defense team and brought critical resources to their courtroom effort. None of that would have happened without Rosie’s belief in Lamonte’s innocence and her tireless efforts to win his freedom. Rosie became the heart and soul of the “dream team” that came together to litigate Lamonte’s case.

On October 13, 2017, Lamonte walked out of prison a free man—not as his mother’s teenage son, but as her 41-year-old survivor of wrongful conviction. This victory was achieved only because Rosie never stopped fighting for Lamonte.

Join us in honoring Rosie and all the moms who stood as their children’s rock through the worst of times. This post is the second of a four-part Mother’s Day series. Follow the Innocence Blog to read other stories about exonerees, their mothers and their children.

Related: Innocence Blog Mother’s Day Series: Evelyn and Leroy Harris

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Shari Draayer May 15, 2018 at 2:28 am Reply   

First, Lamonte, I am so sorry for what happened to you!!! Second, Rosie, you are a hero! Not just for Lamonte – although that would be enough – you are a hero for everyone who wants to love mercy and do justice. You are a model for not giving up. I know your battle was endless while you were going through it, but you have emerged as a bright light, illuminating the way for the rest of us who will fight for so many more, to be freed like your son. May God continue to bless you both with every good thing in heaven and in earth.

With gratitude for you both,
Shari Draayer

Siobhan McConville May 14, 2018 at 2:35 am Reply   

Happy Mother’s day Rosie..
Brendan McConville was wrongfully convicted of murder in 2009 in the North of Ireland. Brendan and his co-accused were convicted under joint enterprise when a police officer was shot. Brendan was sentenced on an alledged eye witness statement,who did not come forward for 11 months and received £50,000 from The Sun newspaper, in court medical experts said that it was impossible to see Brendan from the distance he says he saw him. The trial was held with no Jury and only one judge who said he couldn’t say what part Brendan played in the killing. A fingerprint was found on the gun that didn’t match Brendan or his co-accused. He was sentenced to 25 year’s in prison. After reading all the facts I could not believe that this man was convicted, I started writing to him and eventually visited him on a regular basis. We were married in the prison in 2016. Brendan has 2 year’s left for his degree in Criminology and Psychology and I now head his campaign for Justice. His case is currently under review by the CCRC (criminal case review commission).
Brendan and I hold on to hope and faith the truth will release him. Reading your story gives me strength and inspiration.
Good luck for the future, cherish each other and your freedom.
Hopefully my husband will win his liberty.
#Justice For The Craigavon Two (#JFTC2)
God bless you both
Siobhán McConville

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