Exoneree Lamonte McIntyre Builds a Future Without Compensation from Kansas


Lamonte McIntyre (right) after his release on Oct. 13, 2017. Photo courtesy of The Midwest Innocence Project.

Lamonte McIntyre (right) after his release on Oct. 13, 2017. Photo courtesy of The Midwest Innocence Project.

In October, exoneree Lamonte McIntyre was released from prison in Kansas and exonerated of a double murder that he did not commit with help from the Midwest Innocence Project. He spent 23 years of his life in prison. Now three months into his freedom, McIntyre is trying to rebuild his life. Living in a state where there is no compensation statute for people who were wrongfully convicted, McIntyre will face very real hurdles in meeting even his day-to-day needs unless the state lawmakers pass critical legislation this year. In the meantime, McIntyre is trying to forge ahead and build a solid foundation for his future.

Local news station KMBC in Kansas produced a segment on McIntyre earlier this week. Watch it here.

Soon, McIntyre will testify in front of the legislature to tell his story and the need for exonerees like him across the state to be fairly compensated for their wrongful convictions.

You can take a stand with Kansas exonerees like McIntyre who are asking the state legislature to compensate them for the decades of life they lost in prison for crimes they didn’t commit. Sign this petition. Tell lawmakers that you support a statute to compensate the wrongfully convicted in Kansas.

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Lesley Santillan December 21, 2018 at 2:33 am Reply   

Wow! I really can’t believe that Kansas isn’t compensate the wrongfully convicted people such as Lamonte McIntyre for serving time in person for a crime that he didn’t commit. I find that so unfair, Kansas should at least help Lamonte get back on track because he was convicted at the age 17. He spent most of his young adulthood in prison. He lacked teenage experience and adulthood experience. I hope that graduate high school at least because that would be messed up if he didn’t graduate high school. Kansas really compensate them. They messed up there life for accusing them for the wrong crime.

TraRon Taylor January 31, 2018 at 5:34 am Reply   

I believe he should be compensated for the year he loss. From his life I work with him for year he a good person.

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