Ulysses Rodriguez Charles

In 2001, Ulysses Rodriguez Charles was released from prison after serving 17 years for aggravated rape, robbery, unlawful confinement, and entering armed with intent to commit a felony. His conviction was vacated after DNA testing of semen found on the victim's bed sheets excluded him. Charles asserts that he had been targeted by a police officer with a vendetta who hid evidence in pursuit of his wrongful conviction.

Time Served:

17 years

State: Massachusetts

Charge: Aggravated Rape, Robbery, Unlawful Confinement, Entering Armed with Intent to Commit a Felony

Conviction: Aggravated Rape, Robbery, Unlawful Confinement, Entering Armed with Intent to Commit a Felony

Sentence: 72 to 80 years

Incident Date: 12/08/1980

Conviction Date: 02/14/1984

Exoneration Date: 05/17/2001

Accused Pleaded Guilty: No

Contributing Causes of Conviction: Eyewitness Misidentification, Unvalidated or Improper Forensic Science

Death Penalty Case: No

Race of Exoneree: African American

Race of Victim: Caucasian

Status: Exonerated by DNA

Forensic Science at Issue: Flawed Serology

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